• We are delighted to have been interview by the Consulate General of France.  They were gracious enough to write two articles about us, one in English and the other in French. Here’s an excerpt from the English article: I had a dream few years ago one night. I woke up with this project in mind and

  • A l’occasion du second anniversaire de Body Belly Baby, nous avons eu l’honneur de recevoir un magnifique cadeau de la part du Consulat General de France avec cet article . Un grand merci au Consulat Général de France qui a mis en exergue la valeur et les différents services offerts a Body Belly Baby pour les

  • My baby Body Belly Baby is now 2 years old and has welcomed, trained, coached, helped already more than 300 women in Miami to be at their best before, during, and after pregnancy. I am proud to announce that I have received the most beautiful gift for Body Belly Baby’s second anniversary with this magnificent