Breastfeeding is a Health Decision for your baby and you

It is natural and breast milk is the ideal nutrition for babies.

Breastfeeding is a health decision.

Breastfeeding is certainly the most natural and adapted way to feed newborn.

Yet it is a learned behavior for both the baby and her mother. In addition, it is a lot of work and mothers breastfeed their newborn 8 to 12 times a day. Confidence and support are key for the mother to succeed in her lactation journey. After your baby’s birth, we recommend the support of a lactation consultant to hold your hand during these first weeks and guide you to get off a great start in your lactation journey.

Our experts- IBCLC consultants (International Breastfeeding Certified Lactation Consultant)- are available for private consultation prior to birth, at the hospital after birth, and at your home after baby is home. We recommend 1 to 2 private consultations for new mothers a few days after birth and after baby been seen by her/his pediatrician.

Breastfeeding Private Consultation

  • Educates you all about lactation
  • Prepares you mentally physically, and emotionally
  • Achieve the most satisfying experience for you and your baby
  • Helps you understand the benefits to you and your baby
  • Build confidence

Who is Breastfeeding Consultation for?

  • Women who gave birth recently (a few days to months after birth) who need help and guidance with breastfeeding
  • New mothers who are in pain while breastfeeding
  • New mothers who are engorged, have sore or cracked nipples
  • New mothers of babies who are not gaining enough weight
  • New mothers whose labor was induced, or who gave birth with a C-section

What is covered in a private breastfeeding consultation?

As it is a private session, it is all tailored for you and your newborn baby. Some of the points are:

  • Breast check
  • Feeding cues
  • Breastfeeding positions (Natural birth or C-section birth)
  • Latching
  • Breast/nipple care
  • Engorgement and soreness (cracked nipples care)
  • Pumping (when, how, types of pumps) vs. hand expression
  • Prematurity and unexpected circumstances
  • Consultations last between one hour and a half to two hours and a half
  • It is also key to understand how to nourish yourself as you are breastfeeding your baby and will need extra calories
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