by BodyBellyBaby
by BodyBellyBaby
Childbirth Education Class
As the number of childbirth education classes decreases in the US, the rate of C-section increases. Preparing for labor and the birth of your baby should be one of expecting parents’ top priority soon after they find out that they are expecting.
Attending a quality and evidence-based class led by a Lamaze International Certified Instructor increases the chance for the mother-to-be of giving birth with confidence, feeling empowered, knowledgeable and ready for labor.
First, there are many poor quality classes led by individuals who took a one-day online course and do not really know what they are talking about.
Secondly, there are good quality classes led by nurses in most hospitals – who know exactly what they are talking about within their immediate environment and the typical hospital protocole. These classes are informative of course but mostly centered towards the hospital protocol, the habits and routine , and the way women are delivered. Not about you, the expecting mom and dad who want to learn about their options, the interventions, and the most recent science-based research and data.
And there are some excellent classes led by Lamaze International Birth Educators who have trained and studied for many days and hours, who earned the only accredited certification for birth education, and will provide the exception parents with most recent evidence-based information and education to prepare you and your spouse for the birth of your child.
I found this article interesting below to give you 5 tips on how to choose your childbirth education class.
Starting in your first trimester may sound early… but taking it early in your second trimester is a great choice to have the time to learn, digest the information, discuss it together as future parents, talk with you physician, and keep preparing you self physically, emotionally, and psychologically for this amazing life-changing event.
Best Courses Teach Evidence-Based Practices to Improve Chances of Having Safe, Healthy Birth-
WASHINGTON – A recent report from the World Health Organization set off alarm bells for many expectant parents. The report showed that newborns in 40 countries, including Cuba, South Korea and Poland, have a lower risk of death than newborns in the United States.For expectant moms, one of the best, and often overlooked, ways of improving the odds of a safe and healthy birth is to take a good childbirth education class. But how do moms know whether they are choosing a class that will make a difference? “A good childbirth education class can make the difference between feeling out of control and overwhelmed, and being able to handle the expected and unexpected on the day of your baby’s birth,” said Marilyn Curl, President of Lamaze International. “A really good class will also help moms-to-be avoid routine interventions like inductions and being confined to bed, which can actually increase the risks around birth.” Here are some factors mothers-to-be should consider when selecting a childbirth education class:
1. Research the Class Curriculum
Ask to see the content covered in childbirth courses carefully before selecting one. There are a variety of curriculums, and different approaches may work better for different people. Some courses do little more than orient women to the procedures of the hospital, regardless of whether those protocols are backed by research findings.Curl cautions that women should be wary of “patient obedience classes.” Any class that simply focuses on what women are or are not allowed to do according to the procedures of the institution is not going to equip them properly for labor and birth. Curl said.Expectant parents should consider what they want to gain from taking the class and make sure those points are part of the curriculum. Lamaze classes focus on educating parents about six safe and healthy birth practices that are based on extensive clinical research. “Women rarely receive all of the best care practices, so it is critical for parents to educate themselves about their options,” Curl said.Typical topics covered in Lamaze childbirth education classes include:
- Normal labor, birth and early postpartum
- Positioning for labor and birth
- Pain management techniques
- Labor support
- Communication skills
- Comfort measures, including breathing strategies, relaxation and massage techniques
- Risks and benefits of medical procedures
- Breastfeeding
- Healthy lifestyles
If the instructor teaches the class in a hospital setting or in a doctor’s office, parents should ask whether the instructor feels she has the freedom to discuss controversial topics related to childbirth and whether the class will discuss strategies for broaching these subjects with their care providers. This information can help parents evaluate whether the class will focus on teaching the safest birthing practices, rather than explaining hospital policies.
2. Consider the Instructor’s Training
Check what kind of experience and background the prospective teacher has and ask about the instructor’s certification. Lamaze offers the only internationally recognized childbirth educator certification program that is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educators must pass a rigorous examination to show they meet the highest professional standards and have the necessary knowledge and skills to teach courses. To find a local Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator (LCCE), visit
3. Invest Some Time
Between work schedules, family obligations and setting up the nursery, expectant parents may feel pressed for time. But parents-to-be need to make certain they devote plenty of time and attention to preparing for labor and birth. A one-day crash course might sound like the quickest way to get up to speed, but parents may not retain as much information from a course taught in this format. Online forums and TV shows focusing on birth do not offer personalized or in-depth information that’s found in a class.Lamaze classes typically provide 6 hours of instruction and discussion. The classes can be spread in few classes or be regrouped in one to ensure parents have time to absorb the lessons and consider priorities as the big day draws closer. “It may seem like a big time commitment, but nothing is more important than preparing for a safe and healthy birth and a good start for the baby,” Curl said.
4. Plan Ahead
Classes fill up quickly, so start researching courses early. Try to sign up for a Lamaze class six to eight weeks ahead of time around the first week of the second trimester.
5. Check Class Size
For first-time parents, in particular, having personalized attention from the instructor is an important part of a childbirth education class. Ask about the size of the class. Ideally, there should be a maximum of 12 couples enrolled to ensure each has a chance to interact with the instructor and ask questions.Choosing a class with an informative curriculum, a knowledgeable instructor and personalized attention are crucial for ensuring expectant parents have their questions and concerns addressed before the baby’s birth. More information on childbirth education courses is available at
About Lamaze International
Lamaze International promotes a natural, healthy and safe approach to pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting practices. Knowing that pregnancy and childbirth can be demanding on a woman’s body and mind, Lamaze serves as a resource for information about what to expect and what choices are available during the childbearing years. Lamaze education and practices are based on the best and most current medical evidence available. Working closely with their families, health care providers and Lamaze educators, millions of pregnant women have achieved their desired childbirth outcomes using Lamaze practices. The best way to learn about Lamaze’s steps to a safe and healthy birth is to take a class with a Lamaze certified instructor. To find classes in your area, or for more information visit
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