by BodyBellyBaby
by BodyBellyBaby
My name is Gerrie Stewart. I am a mother of a 2-year old and 4-month old baby.
I practiced prenatal Yoga during my first pregnancy and knew that I wanted to be stronger, more fit during my second pregnancy and stumbled upon the Body Belly Baby card at my doctor’s office- so glad I made the call! Prenatal Pilates at Body Belly Baby in Coconut Grove and Valerie Massoni – the owner – were and still continue to be integral part of my physical and mental well-being. The highlight of my week was going to work out with Valerie and other pregnant women twice a week.
Aside from Valerie being amazingly supportive, it is great to be part of a community of women and mothers, to share and learn with others who are going through a smilier experience: pregnancy, motherhood, nursing, being sleep-deprived… I am so thankful and glad that Valerie Massoni’s support continues even past Pregnancy with amazing Baby Massage classes and Mommie&Baby pilates classes.
Baby Massage has been an incredible way for my husband and I to bond with both our newborn and 2-year old and it also helps calm them and relax them.
Post Pregnancy classes have helped me tone and strengthen much more rapidly that I did after my first pregnancy.
Thank you Valerie Massoni and Body Belly Baby.
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