You are getting close to the end of your pregnancy. During this month, your uterus will finish expanding from 2 ounces prior to pregnancy to 2 ½ pounds now. Staying physically active will keep your body and mind strong. Keep your prenatal Pilates routine! to keep both. You may be bored waiting or anxious to
You feel more tired and sleep is disrupted. Your uterus puts a lot of pressure on the lower body. You may be busy preparing for the arrival of baby, the nursery and getting ready. Continue to exercise and eat well. Make sure you have completed your prenatal education classes by then.
This is the homestretch of pregnancy now. During the third trimester, women are more tired than the second trimester. It is normal to feel tired and fatigued as your body is working really hard to support the development of a new life. Your increasing size makes it harder to sleep well and find a comfortable
This is the start of the third and last trimester at week 28. It is the time to start making plans for the baby’s birth and think more about what your life will be like after your baby is born. You continue gaining weight and baby is growing.
Body image is changing. Some women love the way they look during pregnancy while others do not. It is normal to have mixed feelings about your body. Eating healthy and exercising regularly at Body Belly Baby will help you feel better about how you look. You may have gained between 10 to 15 pounds by
You may feel your baby move for the first time. Your feet are getting bigger and may continue to increase in size until late in pregnancy due to weight gain and relaxin.
Most pregnant women feel at their best in the second trimester, often called the “honeymoon period of pregnancy”. You may start to show, you have regained energy and most likely morning sickness has lessened. Your uterus is now large enough than it is no longer completely within your pelvis.
At the end of the first trimester, you may not look pregnant yet but your waistline may have grown a bit. Before you were pregnant, your uterus was the size of a small pear. Now at week 12, it is the size of a grapefruit. You may have experienced morning sickness, extreme fatigue and sleepiness.
Hormones play a leading role in conception, pregnancy, and birth Estrogen Progesterone FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) GnRH (Gonadotropin-releasing hormone) hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) is the hormone that is detected in pregnancy tests
Some signs include: Tender swollen breasts Frequent urination Nausea or vomiting Fatigue Moodiness Bloating