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by BodyBellyBaby


Categories: Blog

by BodyBellyBaby




Keeping a regular physical activity during pregnancy is critical to a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Recommended by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists, exercise during and after pregnancy helps mom-to-be and new moms to keep a toned body, to correct posture, to prepare for labor and postpartum, to strengthen core muscles and pelvic floor muscles, to relax, to breathe, to get energy, improve self esteem and sleep better.  Body Belly Baby educates moms-to-be about all of the changes in your body during pregnancy and the reasons why it is so important to modify your exercise routine when pregnant or to start the right one if you were not active before. Body Belly Baby also cares very much about new moms and keeping them active after labor as soon as their doctor has given them the GReen light o start exercising again.

As important as Prenatal Pilates is for pregnant women, Postnatal or Postpartum Pilates is also critical for every woman postpartum – physically, emotionally, and psychologically.  But now mom is with her baby and it is much harder to find the time, the energy, the location, to exercise with a newborn.

Body Belly Baby offers MOM and BABY pilates classes for this simple reason: allow moms some time to exercise, build abdominal strength again safely and effectively, meet new moms, and exercise together with their baby.

Mom-and-me classes are wonderful to get fit, make friends, and have fun. Mom-and-Me Pilates classes are also a wonderful setup for new moms to bond, and plays as a support group at the end of each class, or beginning of each class with all the moms sharing about their experience of labor, of OBGYN, of pediatricians, of sleep deprivation…etc

Pilates, exercise is a well-known “therapy” for anybody. For a new mom, exercise is key to her well-being.

Mommy and me classes allow mom and baby also to bond even more.

Body Belly Baby in Coconut Grove is the only place in Miami for Mom-and-Baby Pilates and Barre class.

One of the coolest surprises of these classes is a baby’s beautiful laugh playing with her mom while she is doing plank… while the other surprise is baby sleeping tight in her carrier while mom is working her legs, her glutes, her core at the barre with a soft musical background…

Prenatal Pilates Class in Miami for pregnant women is step 1. Step 2, is coming back to Pilates after having given birth. It is always easier to come back and do postpartum pilates or Mom and Me Pilates classes in the same place where you started.  the cycle is closed then Body to Belly, Belly to Baby, and Baby to Body.


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