Categories: Blog

by BodyBellyBaby


Categories: Blog

by BodyBellyBaby


As many researches indicate that physical activity is critical not only for the expectant mom’s health but also for the baby’s health, I am eager to share my findings with you. As ACOG recommend a minimum 120 mn of physical activity a week during pregnancy, many expectant moms are relatively inactive and do not participate in any physical activity during the 9 months of pregnancy. Pregnancy drastically increase the risk for a mom to become overweight or obese. The body composition of a baby whose mom was exercising during pregnancy is leaner than the baby whose mom was inactive. As pregnancy is a major trigger to lead to obesity in the United States, it is critical to educate expectant women as soon as possible and engage them in physical activity.

Pilates is a great way to start strengthening and knowing your body. Of course Pilates has to be modified to be safe and respect the ACOG Guidelines. Pilates is gentle enough that a woman who is not too active early in her pregnancy will not be intimidated by a prenatal Pilates Class in Miami. Prenatal Pilates at Body Belly Baby is geared exclusively to the pregnant mommy-to-be. Week and week, session after session, her body will become stronger, balanced, aligned and the mom will be more serene, more in tune with her body and growing belly and baby. I also believe that starting Pilates is starting a new healthy life style that integrates your body, your mind and your spirit. You feel empowered and will want to continue on your healthy path for you and your baby. As this interesting article in Wed MD point out, obesity during pregnancy has many negative impacts on the baby’s health long term including a higher risk of ADHD.

We recommend expectant women to join for prenatal Pilates Class twice or three times a week from the first trimester until their due date. Body Belly Baby Pilates is the pioneer and expert in Miami for prenatal Pilates for every woman to be at their best during and after pregnancy in Miami.


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