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by BodyBellyBaby


Categories: Blog

by BodyBellyBaby


After 2 years of intensive studying, practicing, teaching, researching and learning with her mentor Ms. Lolita San Miguel, Valerie Massoni – founder of Body Belly Baby – graduated  on July 16th 2016 as  Second Generation Pilates Master and Teacher and a Lolita San Miguel Pilates Master.

Lolita San Miguel was certified by Joseph H. Pilates. Under her mentorship, Valerie has shown the discipline, ethics, commitment and handwork to receive this distinction as a Pilates Instructor.

She earned her certification and is the author of an amazing thesis about Pilates during and after pregnancy. Body Belly Baby is the place to do Pilates in Miami . The authentic Pilates Method as it was created by Joseph H. Pilates.

Body Belly Baby is the Women Wellness, Pilates and Education Center for women to be at their best before, during, and after pregnancy. Body Belly Baby ‘s mission is to remain true to the Pilates Method and to educate people.

Throughout their lives, women experience different phases as – a childhood, a teenager, a young woman, a wife, a mom, a premenopausal mom, a postmenopausal mom, a grandmother – and hormones are always playing a role in these phases. Balance is key. As a mind -body form of physical exercises, Pilates has the power and potential to all women to reach their optimal health throughout these phases. Pregnancy is a major step in a woman’s life with its many changes – physical, hormonal, musculoskeletal, physiological – and resulting in her becoming a mom.It is the time of embracing healthy habits and a wonderful time to discover Pilates or continue Pilates and to keep it through her whole life.

Pilates is without any doubt the best form of exercise during pregnancy. It responds to ACOG guidelines, meets the expectant and new mom’s needs, helps alleviate pregnancy and postpartum discomforts, helps find balance, center, strength and peace of mind. Body Belly Baby is so proud to have a Pilates Master and Second Generation Pilates Disciple .


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