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by BodyBellyBaby


Categories: Blog

by BodyBellyBaby


You are expecting or are already a parent. You live in Miami, have a pool or go often to the beach. You have a newborn or a toddler. It is a priority for you as a parent to know how to perform CPR – Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation – in case of cardiac arrest – and to know what to do in case of choking. CPR classes offered at Body Belly Baby are unique as they are very private with a small group of participants, with 100 % attention to the participants and hands-on-practice using real American Heart Association baby mannequins.
Learning pediatric CPR is easy. Learning pediatric CPR by attending pediatric CPR classes at Body Belly Baby is an educational experience that will give you the confidence, the skills and ability to identify an emergency situation, assess the situation and decide if pediatric CPR is needed. It will also give you the skills to prevent and anticipate a potential risk or accident.
It will give you the tools and skills in your own hands to help a child in cardiac arrest, a child who is choking on a toy or piece of food, it will simply help you to optimize the chance of survival of a child in case of an emergency when CPR is the number one priority to save a life. Learning CPR and attending pediatric CPR should be required from every expecting parent. Too many times, when a tragedy happens, parents or caregivers regret that they did not now what to do when their toddler choked on a piece of food, did not know how to perform CPR after their child fell into the pool… and this is how you can prevent a tragedy. Learning CPR is a requirement to save the life of a loved one, your child or a friend’s child.
It is so easy that I do not understand why it is not part of every citizen’s education.
Learn CPR and how to prevent accidents by knowing what the leading causes of death in infancy and childhood are can help you identify risky situations and reducing deaths in children.
Pediatric CPR classes should include both infant CPR and child content. That way parents are set up. In Body Belly Baby Pediatric CPR classes in Coconut Grove, Miami, we train families, parents, grand-parents, nannies and older siblings to perform pediatric CPR.
It is a must for every family.


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