Learning First Aid and CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) can save the life of your most precious person, the life of your baby or child. As a parent, you are learning all the time: how to nurse, change, bath, soothe your infant and make her sleep. You teach, help, show, educate, raise, protect, cure, make her
Baby Sebastian is alive today thanks to his aunt’s CPR training and skills. It was both a coincidence and a confirmation for me that pediatric CPR is a requirement for every parent. Last Friday, I was actually attending my instructor course and examination at an American Heart Association Training Center when we heard from our
Body Belly Baby will soon include the Totalbarre ™ Barre Basics Program. Be at your best ! Sclupt lean and toned muscles with this energizing and dynamic group class designed to challenge and change your body, to be at your best. no dance experience or tutus required! Totalbarre efficiently blends Pilates with dance moves, cardio and